
This is a meta page describing Framewiki policies, procedures, or best practices. It is not part of Framewiki's main content, meaning it is not held to the same standards and guidelines.

Framewiki: Governance

The governance structure of Framewiki establishes a framework for the effective, independent and transparent management of content, policies, user interactions and infrastructure within the wiki. This document defines the responsibilities and powers of the Administrative Board, which oversees all decision-making processes and serves as the ultimate authority for dispute resolution.

Framewiki Administrative Board


Administrators are appointed by a majority vote of the board and serve indefinitely. The board may remove an administrator by a majority vote. The board’s current membership comprises:

  • Morpheus636
  • DHowett
  • Its-Nevmo


The administrative board shall work to:

  • Maintain the quality and accessibility of information and content on Framewiki
  • Ensure the stability and long-term sustainability of Framewiki as a resource
  • Make contributing as accessible and inclusive as possible


The administrative board shall have the power to:

  • Modify Framewiki policies, organization and infrastructure
  • Accept or reject RFCs seeking to modify Framewiki policies, organization or infrastructure
  • Enforce and update the Code of Conduct
  • Act as court of last resort when all other dispute resolution methods fail
  • Appoint maintainers and trusted editors
  • Delegate parts of their authority to other subcommittees or processes

The board may not delegate the power to modify this document, or to to appoint and remove members.

To use its powers, the administrative board votes. Every administrator must either vote or explicitly abstain. Members with conflicts of interest on a particular vote must abstain. Passing requires a strict majority of non-abstaining members. The board should look for ways to use these powers as little as possible. Instead of voting, it’s better to seek consensus.

Decision-Making Process

The board acts as Framewiki’s chief decision-making body, having the final say on major organizational and policy matters.

The board acknowledges the importance of community feedback on major decisions and policies affecting Framewiki. To promote transparency and inclusivity, the Board will publish requests for comment (RFCs) for significant decisions that could impact the structure or content of Framewiki. Community members may also submit RFCs for the board’s review and decision.

Community members are encouraged to participate in the RFC process and provide thoughtful feedback. Comments gathered during the RFC period will be carefully considered as part of the Board’s final decision-making process.


Modifications to this governance structure will likely be necessary as Framewiki grows. Amendments may be adopted by a 2/3rds vote of the administrative board. For major changes, the board will publish an RFC and allow for public comment before adopting the change.


The organization of this document is based on PEP-13, which defines Python Language Governance.