  1. Framewiki: Privacy Policy
    1. Information Collected via Framewiki
      1. GitHub Pages
      2. GitHub
      3. Giscus
      4. Plausible Analytics
    2. GDPR and CCPA
      1. Cookies and Tracking
      2. Right to Access and Deletion
      3. Contact
    3. Updates to This Policy
Menu (Edit): About Framewiki Most content published under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. See Framewiki:Copyright for details.

Framewiki: Privacy Policy

  • Framewiki collects aggregated analytics data which is available publicly.
  • Framewiki’s analytics server logs your IP address and User-Agent when your browser submits or views analytics data, but does not associate it with analytics data.
  • GitHub, which hosts Framewiki, collects your IP address when you visit the site, but does not expose this information to us.
  • If you choose to submit changes or comments via GitHub, GitHub collects additional information subject to the GitHub Privacy Policy.
  • If you choose to sign into GitHub through the discussion section on Framewiki, you authorize Giscus to post comments on GitHub Discussions through your account. Giscus does not collect any personal data.

Information Collected via Framewiki

GitHub Pages

Framewiki is hosted on GitHub Pages. When you visit Framewiki, GitHub logs and stores your IP address for security purposes, regardless of whether or not you are logged into GitHub. GitHub does not make this information available to Framewiki. For more information, see the GitHub Pages data collection statement.


Framewiki contributions and discussions are submitted via GitHub using your GitHub account. Framewiki does not store GitHub usernames, emails, or any other user data outside of GitHub. GitHub’s data collection and use of your data is subject to the GitHub Privacy Policy


Framewiki’s discussion section uses Giscus. Giscus does not collect any personal information. When you sign into GitHub via the discussion section on Framewiki, you authorize Giscus to post discussion comments on your behalf using the GitHub OAuth flow. If you do not wish to authorize Giscus to post on your behalf, you can use GitHub Discussions directly at framewiki/ For more information, see the Giscus Privacy Policy.

Plausible Analytics

Framewiki uses a self-hosted instance of Plausible Analytics to understand traffic and prioritize work on the site. Plausible does not collect personal data, store cookies, or track users individually. All analytics data is aggregated and publicly available at

The web server that runs Plausible logs the IP address, User-Agent, URL path and timestamp associated with each request for security purposes. This information is not shared with any third party and is deleted when server logs are rotated. The server does not log any other contents of the associated request or associate the logged information with any other data, including analytics data.


Cookies and Tracking

Framewiki does not use tracking cookies or track individual users.

When you sign into GitHub via the discussion section on Framewiki, Giscus will store a server-encrypted API token in your browser. On every subsequent load of Framewiki, the token will be decrypted by the Giscus server to let you create authenticated requests to the GitHub Discussions API.

Right to Access and Deletion

Framewiki does not have any data to provide or delete upon request.


Framewiki is managed by the Framewiki Administrative Board. See Framewiki: Governance. To contact the administrative board regarding this privacy policy, email

Updates to This Policy

The Framewiki Administrative Board regularly reviews this policy and places any updates on this page. This privacy policy was last updated on Feb. 4, 2025.