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note_name: true
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{% include notes/note_name.html %}
This section may be affected by a current or upcoming event. Information may change rapidly as the event progresses, and initial news reports may be unreliable. The latest updates to this article may not reflect the most current information.
This section is under construction and requires additional information. See Framewiki: Contributing or post a comment to help improve Framewiki.
This article is a stub and may be a candidate for deletion. You can help Framewiki by expanding it. See Framewiki:Contributing for more information.
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See Framewiki: Guidelines
This article includes speculation or cites unreliable sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Improperly sourced material may be challenged and removed. See Framewiki: Guidelines
This article contains a guide. Guides on Framewiki are written and maintained by the community. Follow them at your own risk. See Framewiki: Guidelines
This is a meta page describing Framewiki policies, procedures, or best practices. It is not part of Framewiki's main content, meaning it is not held to the same standards and guidelines.
Notes at the top of pages are managed by the notes.html
import, which is hooked into the Jekyll theme via _config.yml
. Note content and design can be edited by modifying the html file in _includes
by the same name.