
This article contains a guide. Guides on Framewiki are written and maintained by the community. Follow them at your own risk. See Framewiki: Guidelines

Mainboard Reset Procedures

Guide Compatibility
Framework Laptop 13
Intel 11th Gen ✗ (WIP)
Intel 12th Gen ✗ (WIP)
Intel 13th Gen ✗ (WIP)
AMD 7040 Series
Intel Core Ultra 1

Framework Laptop 16
AMD 7040 Series

11th Gen Intel Core, 12th Gen Intel Core, 13th Gen Intel Core

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AMD 7040 Series, Intel Core Ultra Series 1, Framework Laptop 16

  1. Connect the mainboard to AC power.
  2. Remove the Input Cover.
  3. Press the chassis intrusion switch in the center of the mainboard for 2 seconds.
  4. Release the switch. Wait for the mainboard lights to blink red.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 10 times.
  6. Press the power button to boot the system.